Austin is home to a plethora of resources aimed towards bettering public health for its residence. Our Community Health Paramedic Program, frequently referred to as CHP is owed a spotlight amongst those resources. The goal of CHP is to reduce frequent callers of emergency medical services, and find ways to streamline patient care with the wide range of services offered in Austin. This mission not only frees up emergency lines, but provides a better level of care for patients.
Community Health Paramedics work diligently to engage with patients, a large number of which are unhoused. Having paramedics intricately connected with the homeless community in Austin is a mutually beneficial relationship. Knowing the details of sometimes complicated cases enables CHP to intervene in ways the emergency room could not.
The CHP program perfectly aligns with the Sobering Center mission. Mike Sasser, Community Health Paramedic shared his thoughts on our partnership with us, “Having a partnership with the Sobering Center allows CHP to extend resources further than the street team is able to.” Our relationship is perfectly in line with the CHP mission statement, “To provide access to high quality, integrated healthcare and social services that focuses on meeting the needs of vulnerable, marginalized, and mobility-limited individuals by eliminating societal and logistical barriers.”
The Sobering Center is thrilled to be a part of this growing network of healthcare providers. Being a safe place for community health paramedics to bring patients while a dedicated team works to align the next steps in a treatment plan is a vital collaboration. The Community Health Paramedic’s mission states “A comprehensive solution for those we serve”, which is indeed true for the comprehensive cases our agencies each oversee.